简介:After losing his mother to illness and his best friend to an unexpected move, a young boy discovers a crashed spaceship and makes a new friend with aw
简介:Vietnam responds to the witty and grandiose Indonesian thriller “The Raid” (2011) astoundingly, with a lethal extravaganza of martial arts, full-capac
简介:Fanti (a combination of “fan” and “anti”, referring to extreme fans) marks Thao Tam’s first big-screen lead role. She accepted because she sympathized
简介:Thiên Th?n H? M?nh b?t ??u khi Mai Ly, m?t ng?i sao c?a gi?i gi?i trí b?ng r?i t? t?ng th??ng m?t toà nhà xu?ng ??t và ch?t. Bí ?n h?n khi ng??i ta ??